My name is Paul Looyen and have taught Physics for almost 30 years, both and Australia and the USA.
My initial name, High School Physics Explained started out small. In 2015, as a Physics teacher, I wanted to produce a few videos to help my students catch up on work, if they were absent. I made videos of myself in the classroom as I taught. Fairly rough really. I decided to take more time in producing videos, wanting to build a collection of videos to support my flipped way of learning. I soon discovered that my videos were being watched over the world, from students who were doing high school science, teachers who were using it in their classroom practice, and even university students who were watching it, to help in their studies. My aim initially was to teach concepts that was part of the high school physics curriculum. But there's so much more physics out there. So my goal now is not only to support high school curricula, but teach other relevant physics topics, at a level a high school student should be able to access. And the aim of the website is to not only provide structure to my videos, but to provide other resources - worksheets, summaries, relevant links - to help students of physics deepen their understanding and develop a passion for a great science discipline. To that end, I hope it helps you. Apart from teaching , I am also an avid photographer doing the occasional client work. So if interested check out my other site Stonemeadow Photography |