Video coming soon
We now apply the principle of charge and fields and voltage to situations which are best described as electrical circuits. In its simplest form a a power source, such as a battery provides a potential difference, a voltage. An electric field is set up in the wiring, and as a result electrical charges, namely electrons, now move at a specific rate which we refer to as the current. However, the rate is not only determined by the voltage set, but also the resistance of the circuit. And it is this resistance that transforms the energy gained by the charges into other forms such as light heat and other forms of energy.
These lessons provide an overview of the key principles of circuit electricity, including different types of circuits and electrical power
These lessons provide an overview of the key principles of circuit electricity, including different types of circuits and electrical power
Understanding voltage, current and resistance and their relationship
A simple pHET animation that allows you to see how Ohm's Law works
Use this animation from pHET to set up your own circuits. A good way. to apply your skills to to determine the various values using the maths, and then use the ammeter and voltage tools to confirm your calculations